Sunday, September 6, 2009

What do you know about the mouse, the symbol of 2008? 15 interesting facts.

woman mouse

Someone was afraid of them, someone is moved, and someone completely neutral. But the year is unlikely to leave Mice someone indifferent to these little creatures. We know a lot about them, but even more - do not know. Here are some interesting facts from the life of mice.

1. Most people in our time the word «mouse» and «Mouse» evokes associations with the computer manipulator type «mouse». And came up with this device a man named Douglas Engelbart in the mid 60. Unfortunately, I have not found a lucid explanation for why the «mouse» was named so. Probably because she has a tail ...

2. By the way, archaeologists dug up a bronze brooch, which is very similar to Disney's Mickey. Made it was in the tenth century BC. e. According to specialists, the unknown sculptor intended to represent the lion and made it to the best of his imagination.

3. University of Jerusalem researchers say that mice are much more like humans than we think. If the mouse to increase human growth and straighten the skeleton, we find that the joints of mice and humans are arranged the same way, and the bones have an equal number of parts. Scientists say even that study in mice the function of human genes more easily than the man himself.

4. Mickey Mouse - First «humanised mouse». He first appeared in 1928 in a cartoon «steamer Willie». The rest of the cartoons and movies lit up Jerry (who with Tom), torturers cat Leopold, Stuart Little, Remy (the cook, who prepared ratatouille), king of the mice «Nutcracker».

5. For research in laboratories and content in the home zoougolke most commonly used white and colored mice that are derived through breeding. These mice lost their natural wildness, easy to handle, feed on a wide variety of foods, including special briquettes, which fed them in research institutes. It is in these two rodents (mice and rats) for more than 80% of all laboratory experiments in biology and medicine.

6. The smallest among rodents and in second place among all mammals - Harvest Mouse, surprisingly elegant and lovely creature with a bright color.

7. Recently, activists of «Animal Liberation Front» abducted from the nursery of laboratory animals in Russia more than 10 thousand rats, mice and hamsters. Rodents were released to the wild in the Moscow region, as much frightened residents of nearby villages.

8. Everyone knows that mice love cheese. But this is misleading, say British scientists. Rodents prefer to eat food with high sugar content, such as grains and fruits, and objects with a strong smell of cheese makes them disgusting.

9. Rats and mice belong to the most numerous on the globe detachment - rodent. Characteristic feature that unites rodents and distinguishes them from representatives of other units, - a peculiar structure of the dental system. On the upper and lower jaws are located on one pair of incisors. They are very large, devoid of roots and grow throughout the life of the animal. Incisors grind unevenly and always stay sharp.

10. In noun these animals are associated with trouble. To dream mouse portends domestic troubles and the insincerity of friends. Cases in business will be off-putting character. Seeing that you killed a mouse, means that you will defeat his enemies. To dream of rats means that you will be disappointed and beaten by your neighbors. It is also possible quarrel with your companions.

11. Bats - the only animals from the mammals that can fly.

12. Superstitions and prejudices associated with bats, surprisingly resilient. Their way mercilessly exploited in horror films and books about vampires. Even scientifically bat is Vampyrus sektrum Linnaeus. But in fact found that most of them do not consume blood. In Europe, the known 30 species of bats, which feed on insects and fruit.

13. In the East, the rats treated very differently than in the West, where their only way associated negative emotions. In Japan, for example, rat - companion of the god of happiness. In China, the absence of rats in the house and the yard was considered alarming.

14. Why rats fleeing a sinking ship? They are very sensitive to sounds not audible to people. It is possible that even in a quiet harbor rats, hearing the «voice of the sea», in a hurry to leave the ship, the resonant frequency of which coincides with the frequency of storm waves. They feel that such a ship can not faint. The captain knows everything. But the rats know more.

15. And the last. Omnipresent in science it was found that elephants do not have the fear of mice. Was an experiment in which the elephants released a set of mice, and elephants are not afraid and took to their heels. So it's a misconception dispelled.


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