Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to contain an exotic animal at home? Salamander. Breeding

Create conditions in which the salamander would feel comfortable, easy. And if to add here more and peaceable disposition, and beautiful appearance lizards, all this makes it a desirable inhabitant of the household living quarters.

Young fiery salamanders

Young fiery salamanders

To keep a pair of adult salamanders need terrarium horizontal type , designed under the corner of moist forests. With good care and favorable "psychological" climate inside your house lizards heal clover and even begin to think "about the offspring.

Sexually mature, these amphibians reach the age of 2-4 years with a body length of about 12-14 cm In nature, mating salamanders occurs after wintering . Therefore, in captivity amphibians also need to create an artificial "winter". To do this within one month to do the temperature and light diapause cooled to 12-14 degrees Celsius (according to some sources - up to 5 ยบ C).

Pink Syngonium for decorating terrariums
Pink Syngonium for decorating terrariums

During the winter break, which can occur in the same terrarium, home to salamanders, it need to do more hiding places for sheltering . During this period the animals are not fed. Out of hibernation is in April-May, and shortly after awakening the animals begin to mate.

Females do not lay eggs, like most amphibians, and bears almost finished larvae, releasing them into the water . Term gestation larvae - 9-10 months. Usually born 25-30 (sometimes up to 40) of larvae 2,5-3,5 cm in length with well-developed limbs, gills, fin folds and the tail rudder. Interestingly, at birth lizard plunges into the water only to the back of the torso.
Company Berkley.
Company Berkley.
Larvae for the full development should be placed in a separate aquarium with access to land and feed live food - daphnia, cyclops, koretroy etc. As the parent pool, and young aquarium should be equipped with filters, thermometers and aerator (spray). And as a "family home" and young aquarium should lay, as both young and adult animals are sometimes able to get out to the junction of glasses.

After 3-5 months of 5-centimeter calves salamanders crawl out on shore, where he began active exploration of adult life. Past all completed their metamorphosis and larval development of young salamanders (length 6-7 cm) can be planted in a terrarium for rearing and feeding, as adults, small insects. But at first everything else can be a time to give them "baby food" - laid out on the moss bloodworm or koretru.


bloodworm and koretra put up for sale on the market

The fact that after working with these animals (after the hold them in your hands or fed) must be sure to wash your hands with soap, I have already written, but it is worth to mention it again. Particularly upfront about the kids! And in any case not rub the "dirty" his hands eyes, do not get down to the person, avoid falling into the secret glands salamanders on mucous membranes, abrasions and other skin damage. By the way, interesting is the fact that the poison of salamanders (this is the secret, generating glands located on the head, behind the eyes), contains a substance, found nowhere else in nature do not occur.

For salamanders it beyond the protection from enemies and still performs the function of strong microbicide, preventing the development of skin infections. For a man venom is not dangerous, but for dogs - dangerous! But as I have said in previous article. If you observe all precautions, then observe the habits of this interesting, original and generally friendly animals - a pleasure.

And if you, our dear readers, decide to start at home this amphibian, I wish you only have lots of fun and full mutual understanding with your pet!

Marina Dutta


  1. marina, do you raise all these critters

  2. na just lover of exotic creaters;)

  3. I used to have a salamander in with our fishes when I was a kid. he ended up running away one day and we found him in the bathroom on the rug, nearly all dried up, about five hours later. :(

    More recently, I had an Albino African Clawed Frog. I'd love to see what information you've got about them! They're awesome pets if you can find the time and money to care for them, although they're rather inexpensive once the initial purchases are done. I loved mine (his name was Ebony), especially his "chirping" at night -- it was so soothing!


  4. nice name of frog)))
    ye in future i will post some information about frogs too ;)
