Saturday, September 26, 2009

What we know about the nightingale?

Many of you, if not all, heard at night, beautiful singing of a nightingale. Many have heard, but not many could see this bird close. However, the bird as a bird! And do something it is not so special, and like a sparrow, except that voice!

Usually looks like a nightingale nondescript, gray bird with a tremendous black eyes. Its color is almost unchanged: in the different seasons of the nightingale looks the same, whether the mating season or the autumn. Natural colored plumage of females and males are almost the same. Adult nightingale can reach sizes of up to fifteen to twenty centimeters in length, weighing about thirty grams and a wingspan of up to thirty centimeters. There were several kinds, however, today it is about the most ordinary nightingale.

Distributed nightingale almost the entire territory of Russia, preferring temperate latitudes in the West and up to Siberia. Favorite places in the life of a nightingale can be called the dense, often thorny, shrubs, field swamps, thickets in river valleys. Nightingale can readily settle in a city park, but still choose the best place hidden from prying eyes. That is why, perhaps, it is not often get to meet and a good look.

I was lucky: during one of the campaigns the young nightingale sitting on a branch and saw me. I, in turn, was able to approach him at a distance slightly more than three feet and take some pictures. Thus the nightingale is not scared nor my camouflage, not silver camera, or even flash, so rashly not disabled me. I pose for three minutes, the bird calmly, as if nothing had happened, went on his nightingale cases, probably for dinner!

It feeds on the larvae of the nightingale, caterpillars, various worms and beetles, which in excess produces, long puttered in last year's leaves or thick grass. Towards autumn the nightingale passes to a variety of berries, all the rest preferring usually elderberry.

Nightingale builds its nest mainly on the ground or very close to it. He does it almost immediately to return to the cabin. Mating period and the construction of nests occur in a time when dissolved birch leaf, and blossom so that the nightingale can get drunk from it dew. At this time, the nightingale sings a lot, thus attracting females. The singing of a nightingale can often listen to the sunset and all night until dawn, at least - during the day. The most active period coincides with the beginning of singing mating period and until the incubation chicks.

At the end of the breeding season in female woodcocks nest lays an average of five eggs gray-green color. Hatched female account for up to two weeks time, and at the end of June at the light appears young. During the summer the nightingale Turns offspring only once and by the end of August, small packs of two to three families, they go to spend the winter in the south, to be more precise, in south-eastern Africa. Fly mostly at night, overcoming great distances, even by human standards.

The following year the nightingales return. It is noticed that the old nightingales often settle in the same field. According to ornithologists who conducted the banding, this can be repeated up to nine times in a row!

Nightingale can get accustomed to captivity, lives in a cage to five years. I will even sing, but on condition that the content and the power it will be correct, and good care and permanent. But not better, if this modest singer and devotee of all the lovers will live and sing in the wild?

Vladimir Mao

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