Contents hamster in the house depends on what species he belongs. In the last article we talked about what are the breed of hamsters, and we hope that you are already targeting in their titles. Djungarian hamster, like hamsters Roborovskiy can live in cages designed for mice, or other, but with frequent bars, or in a large terrarium, which created the conditions close to natural. On the floor dwellings Djungarian hamster is put a layer of hay (replacement - sawdust). At the bottom of the terrarium in which to settle hamsters Roborovskiy, put the sand into a layer of two to three inches, put a few stones, hay, moss and small twigs.
Home for the Near hamster or golden hamster, can become any cell: metal, wood, plastic or laminate. Its minimum dimensions: length - 30, width - 25, height - 18 centimeters. But better to keep the animal in a more spacious cage: 90h40h40 centimeters. The fact is that golden hamsters are prone to obesity. As a result, they have violated the metabolism, decreases the body's resistance to disease. And in a spacious cage you can put a little ladder to climb the animal could have made it to the top of the platform or on the second floor of his house and go down. You can install and "squirrel" wheel, in which the animal will be happy to run, overcoming a day within a few hundred meters.
In the golden hamster cage, like all the other hamsters, must be house-bedroom. At the bottom of the cage put hay or small wood chips, sawdust. Change the litter must be at least twice a week.
Because hamsters
White bread and give the Djungarian hamster, hamsters and Roborovskiy. And besides him - the seeds of wild plants, which harvest in the summer, millet, canary seed, sunflower seeds, oat flakes. Summer - beetles, grasshoppers.
For a variety of hamsters obligatory fresh greens: lettuce, spinach, dandelion leaves, beets, peas, clover, alfalfa, young grass grasses. Good eating animals berries and fruits, fresh and dried. After a day or two hamsters should be given milk, dried Gammarus (freshwater crustaceans that feed the fish), cooked meat, chopped egg. In addition, salt (0.2 grams - adult golden hamsters, 0,1 - young) and fish oil (0.1 and 0.05 grams - adults and young, respectively). In hamsters with different types of housing should be based on a piece of chalk. In drinkers should always be fresh water.
Oats, wheat and peas (whole grains) to pour water at room temperature and leave for a day at the bank. Then the grain is washed and clean the refrigerator. In the form of pickled animals eat these foods readily. Hemp seeds, sunflower seeds and bread should be given once or twice a week: that did not develop obesity. Peas can be fed more often. Pieces of dried bread is not removed from the cage: their animals bite and grind their teeth.
Winter in a shallow box sprouted oats. When it reaches a height of 8-10 cm, it drags along with the roots, wash and give the hamsters. It is useful to give an animal and pieces of young aspen or willow branches, no thicker than 1 centimeter in the cortex which contains the trace element cobalt. You can put in a cage young twigs of apple, rowan, hazel.
Stocks in the storerooms of hamsters must periodically inspect, spoiling throw the rest back into place. The animals feel better in captivity, when their natural habits are not violated.
Female woodcocks golden hamsters become adults when they turn 30 days. However Turns cubs them better in the months age. At this time, female woodcocks, and helped by a male: in his house, he feels more confident. Since the first introduction may begin with a fight for the hamsters to watch. Fight sometimes ends in death of one of the animals. To be completely sure that the female woodcocks will not attack the males, their cells must first reconcile or to block the male's cage wire mesh. If female woodcocks will sniff the male through a sieve or mesh cage, clinging to him, the obstacle is removed. A few days after the onset of pregnancy female woodcocks ceases to fend for themselves male. Seeing this, it immediately returns to its own cage.
Pregnancy of golden hamsters usually lasts 16-18 days, sometimes - 20-22 days. First time female woodcocks gives birth to 4 or 5 pups but then it could be 8-10 and even 16 pups. Feed them milk it from 21 to 25 days.
With a pregnant female woodcocks to be treated solely with caution as possible to avoid sharp fluctuations in temperature in the room, background noise. Born calves hands can not touch.
During pregnancy and after the female woodcocks should have to give milk, meat or gammarus. In her cage constantly be spongy bone.
Djungarian hamster, male and female woodcocks, not separated. If female woodcocks is left alone, it grows much less litter.
To successfully bred hamsters Roborovskiy, they need an abundance of food of animal origin. In addition, animals should be disturbed as little as possible. Cubs separated from their parents when they become independent, or after the birth of their younger brothers and sisters.
Before than to keep a hamster, you think carefully, and if you need it, and you will be able to look after him? Good luck in all endeavors.
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