Monday, August 24, 2009

Why mastiff have «Four eyes»?

Mastiff - an ancient breed of dog, originally from Central Asia. His ancestors, the powerful Molossian dogs, fought in the arenas of ancient Rome with gladiators, lions, tigers, bears, participated in military campaigns of the Roman legions, which hit the British Isles.

In the Middle Ages, these dogs were used for hunting large wild animals and as a watchman. Since 16 century, received its present name. Mastiff is the ancestor of these species, as a German dog, boxer, bullmastiff.

But no dog breed is not gathered around him many legends and stories as there are around the Tibetan Mastiff. On the large size and excellent quality of these guard dogs are mentioned by Marco Polo.

Until now equip expeditions to remote areas of Tibet, hoping to find giant dog with a voice, "like the roar of the big bell." Fabulous wealth of the Silk Road caravan attracted a gang of bandits, but well-guarded caravans of huge, shaggy dogs, ready at any moment to attack any dared to approach the travelers.

The strongest of the dogs usually been in the forefront. Anticipating going, she climbed the hill and carefully inspect the road. Likewise, these dogs behave and pastures, previously inspected the area on which the shepherd driving a flock. Tibetan Mastiff, like his little compatriot apso, in their home country is a pastoral dog. Only he does not manage the herd, and protect it.

In America, Europe and Russia, the Tibetan Mastiff is valued for a luxurious appearance, courage and excellent quality of the watch. In these dogs, a very capable fearless nature, with kindness and gentleness. This ferocious guard, utterly devoted to his master, distrustful of strangers.

Remembering the Fight temperament ancestral mastiff, puppies from an early age, grown in severity. Walking this breed of dogs are focused, for example, for shopping, dressing area, a doctor ...

Some difficulties may arise from Mastiff health. Due to the large size and large mass of the disease often occur compositions limbs. Prevention and veterinary control will help avoid many unpleasant events.

Interesting color of the Tibetan Mastiff. For two spots over the eyes of these magnificent representatives of the ancient breed they have been called four eye. Belief states that Four eyes dogs are able to protect the master's house, not only from thieves but also from evil spirits.

People believed that devotion to this dog can be saved from different troubles even at a distance. In the Persian holy book "Avesta" is the following words: "anyone who owns a dog, let him feed her, and he will have all the fruits of the earth and water in abundance and he will never be injured."

Avesta does not specify on what kind of breed in question, but given the historical data, it can be argued that it is about "Four eyes Tibetans. Although very much want to spread the benefits approval holy book for all breeds of dogs, because our loyal, sensitive and intelligent friends, to put persistent brand advertising, that is really worthy.

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