Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What to do if your cat have kittens?

cat kittens

The first phase - to raise them to a certain age.
Usually cats cope with childbirth themselves, sometimes to the presence of a doctor, but always, if possible, preferably next to your presence, especially if the first birth.

You can calm a young mother, a little easier the process of gentle word, or stroking, to monitor the safety of kids from unintentional injury in the first minutes after birth.

Just born, the kitten immediately sent to a power source. If a newborn is more than six, these sources are not enough. In this case, you need either to control access to each of them, or think about alternative ways of feeding of the offspring: manually, with a special mixture, purchased in veterinary pharmacy, or with some other cats, or any of them may weaken and die.

It is advisable to check weigher for kittens: if there are significant differences in weight, is to take action. A good way to raise the immunity is GAMAVIT - inexpensive domestic product, well proven, having no contraindications and side effects.

It can also be purchased at vetaptek, administered subcutaneously, insulin syringes (purchased in an ordinary drugstore), a dose of 0.3 - 0.5 ounces, the recommended course of 10 days, you can start in the first few days as prophylaxis.

Younger kittens are transferred to an independent power gradually: at the age of about three weeks, start to feed with fingers (or cream spetssmes 10%) later cottage cheese, minced meat and other foods, avoid salt and spices. With good training about-to-month they will learn to feed themselves.

Then the second stage - find those hands in which you could give them away. Correct, and better for the kids would do so at the age of three months, when they are already quite independent, but ...

If they belong to a breed, are born in the house of a breeder with them and come: the owners to find simpler, and the owners of these with other criteria than the potential owners of a simple cat or cat «gentry» breed.

The latter is easier to search, while touching the tiny Fluffy with a blue haze in his eyes did not change tend to be less popular (unfortunately) looks a teenager with the outlines of an adult and being already established character and habits.

Therefore, the optimal age for sending in a new family for cats without pedigree - from five weeks to six weeks. Ads can be placed in newspapers, internet, pet stores and vetclinic, most importantly, that the site was viewed, and the information is not disrupted.

If you have photos chances of adoptation increase. Search employers should as soon as possible (I can give an interesting version of the ad, which was once an eyewitness: the photos were about the monthly kitty, which read: «It looked like our past kittens, and now we are waiting for the next!»)

Whichever way you choose, the main thing: try to find a new family for yourself ...

When found, be sure to take the coordinates for the connection - in case of future issues, unforeseen situations, and simply, be able to find out news about the life of your pet, perhaps, to see his adult ... Of course, give to detailed instructions on care.

Schooling to tray will be more successful if it just put a cloth or paper with the previous traces of a kitten.

To avoid scratching furniture, you must create a special scratching post, and the first time put on it if you want to sharpen claws until they get used to it myself.

Good luck in the cultivation of new life, which would be for someone a source of joy, caring and happiness!
next article:defeat disease with help of animals
previous article:Mastiff

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