Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is the difference between healthy and sick dog?


Healthy dog- is a funny animal with shiny shiny coat, clean and clear eyes, with a slightly damp and cold nose. However, the latest indication is not always reliable.

A healthy dog responds to the call of the owner, eager to perform commands. In a healthy dog's appetite is good, bowels emptied regularly, urination is normal. Oral mucosa, the age of clean, pale-pink color. Breathing steady, correct.

Sick dog is markedly different from healthy. Any disease causing in her body, a more or less serious violations. Patient dog behaves differently than healthy. She is depressed, a lot of lies, trying to hide in a dark place, the call rises reluctantly. In some dog diseases, by contrast, does not want to go, long standing, and only very weak, took a forced posture.

Diseased dog or indifferent to others, or abnormally excited, too agile, can be aggressive to people close to her.

Measuring body temperature

To measure the body temperature thermometer inserted into the anus, hold for 3 minutes. Normal body temperature for dogs is 37,5 - 39,0 degrees. Many dogs under 6 months of normal temperature is 39.5 degrees.

Determination of respiration

The respiratory rate can be set, counting the number of inhalations or exhalations within one minute, with the use of multiple receiving: the motion of the thorax and abdomen dogs, by the movement of the wings of the nose, through the apposition of the palms of hands to the chest, which makes it possible to catch the respiratory motion.

Normally, the number of breaths in healthy dogs varies widely: from 14 to 25-30 in one minute. This broad range of respiration rate depends on several factors. For example, the puppies are breathing more adult dogs, as they have more active metabolism. In bitches breath more often than males. Pregnant or nursing dogs breathe more pregnant. At the rate of respiration may also affect the breed of dog, her emotional state. On breathing markedly affects the growth of the dog. Dogs small breeds breathe much more frequently large: Miniature Pinscher, Japanese Chin breathe 20-25 times per minute, and Erdely - 10-14 times. This is quite understandable. In dogs, small decorative rocks are more active metabolic process and the result is a great loss of heat.

Counting heart tremors and heart rate

Cardiac impulse is easy to feel, putting his hand to his chest dogs the left, slightly below the shoulder. In dogs, small breeds cardiac impulse may be to probe and the right side of the chest.

The pulse can be calculated on the inner surface of the thigh, putting his fingers to the femoral artery. In dogs, small breeds femoral artery is felt under the fingers in a subtle pulsating strings at large breeds - in a pinch.

The number of pulse beats in one minute in dogs varies from 70 to 120. It has its reasons. In young dogs, a rapid pulse, than in adults. In males the pulse less than females. In stifling heat, heat, muscle stress, emotional disorders pulse rate. In diseases accompanied by fever, breathing and pulse and more frequent.

Good luck to you and your pets! Take care of them, it's part of your healthy and happy friendly family!

Source: AE Baranov. Health your dog.
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