Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to escape from the tiny jellyfish?


Speaking of jelly-fish, we usually mean large, so-called Scyphozoa. They are about 200 species. But much more, up to 3000 species of small hydroid jelly-fish.

One of them - the famous gonionema or spider. The maximum size of its dome-umbrella - 40 mm - well, as a notice in the water! Distinctive sign of it - a brown-red cross, shining through the dome. Gonionema likes to dwell in the thickets of seaweed, and is not very fond of those who worries there.

Little krestovichok terrorizes Primorye. Each year, complaining of a jellyfish in a burn hospital treated hundreds of people. Especially memorable residents of Primorye in 1970, when only one day from touching gonioneme injured 1,360 people, of whom 116 were hospitalized.

Burn gonionemy, despite the different bikes, not fatal, but is accompanied by a terrible pain in the joints, suffocation, nausea, thirst, numbness of hands and feet. Yad gonionemy effect on the psyche, causing an excessive excitement or anguish. This usually lasts 3-4 days, but can be felt by the month. Repeated burns krestovichkom even more grievous.

In January and April 2002 off the coast of Australia, killing two tourists. The reason - the small, the size of the acorn Irukandji jellyfish. Last year they suffered from more than 200 people, fortunately, not fatally so. The poison of jellyfish leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure and heart rhythm abnormalities. No antidote.

In August 2002, two tourists have fallen victim to deadly poisonous jellyfish off the island Phagan near Thailand. 25-year-old Australian turned to doctors complaining of pain in the legs, jellyfish cause burns and breathing difficulties. Alas, doctors could not help him.

The second victim was a tourist from Morocco. After that put authorities on the coast of posters warning about the dangers of sea bathing. You can imagine how this has affected the profits resorts.

Hironeks, or sea wasp - the jellyfish, which in Australia speak with awe. And no wonder. Only in 1880 it was the cause of death of 66 persons. It is believed that it is much more dangerous man-eating sharks. Over the past 25 years, off the coast of Queensland (Australia) from the burns that jellyfish killed 60 people, while from shark attacks - only 13.

This small translucent jellyfish with a cube-shaped cap is almost invisible in water. It travels at a walking pace and a meeting with her very difficult to avoid. The sting causes excruciating pain and paralysis of breathing, and if a person does not die within a few minutes of asphyxiation or drowning, you have suffered for many long hours.

Sea wasps are found in tropical waters worldwide, but most often appear off the coast of Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines when the southern hemisphere summer. They love the quiet bays with sandy beaches.

There are troublemakers and smaller. Beaches in Florida storm myriad «sea lice» - the so-called thimble jellyfish larvae. They value with poppy seed. Once in the gap between the body and a bathing suit, they start to sting people. Not dead, but quite unpleasant. Itching in the most inconvenient places. The only salvation - to swim naked, that with pleasure and make local nudists.

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