Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to defeat the disease with the help of animals?


Today, few physicians would doubt the efficacy of treatment with animals (animoterapii). Each pet if its owner really loves, is able to facilitate the patient's condition, and sometimes even completely eliminate the symptoms of his "elder brother".

The only thing that people need to remember: someone else's animals for animoterapii not fit - you must be emotionally connected with animals, to understand each other, then the result of communication you pleasantly surprised.

So, the dog. Atherosclerosis, obesity, stress, heart disease and blood circulation, rheumatic fever can not leave you alone if at least half an hour twice a day to walk your pet (as well as move and breathe fresh air). And the dog can life a great heater, which is also "putting off" the pain with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. In the dog saliva contains lysozyme, which protects against bacteria and helps heal wounds.

Cats can also be an excellent hot-water bottle, which facilitates the state of arthritis and inflammation of the appendages. Stroking a cat on her coat calms nerves, reduces blood pressure and pulse rate normalizes, but also relieves stress so well that it is able to facilitate the "break" of alcoholics and drug addicts. Cats are well on the psyche of children, pulls whimsical children from introversion, most importantly to communicate as often as possible.

Birds (parrot, canary and others) help migraine headaches, improve the mood of the owners. Communicate with birds is useful for people who were forced to lie in bed, suffering from depression.

Rabbits, hamsters, mice and other "cell-quadrupeds" facilitate the state in diseases of the joints, helping closed and unsure of myself to people overcome fear of communication, such as children in conflict situations at school.

The horse can be a doctor when violations of the locomotor system, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, prostatitis, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, scoliosis, polio, mental retardation. Communication with the horse helps to cope with the consequences of stroke, reduces hyperactivity and morbid excitability.

While riding a man swinging in three directions: left to right, back and forth, up and down. It develops agility, balance, improves the coordination of movements. Improvement is guaranteed, even if engaged in horseback riding is not less than one hour per week.

Scientists have long been convinced that a well-kept aquarium with water the inhabitants of the house guarantees its owner the mental health and happiness. The owner of fish raises the intellectual level, people make less serious mistakes in life, tends to spend more time with his family.

Fish facilitate state in colds, asthma, neurosis, insomnia, neurodermatitis. Only Fish Fish discord: probably not worth Turns sharks or piranhas, but instead of treatment and can get injured. However, anyone that like it ...

Communicate with tame dolphins helps autistic. Dolphins are beneficial for people suffering from severe depression. Many researchers believe that they have a particular therapeutic effect on the mind and mental state of man. Contact with dolphins has a powerful emotional impact on some of the mentally ill, swimming with these animals improves their tone is much more effective than any antidepressant.

In many American prisons, a program of active treatment with domestic animals, in which aggressive and disturbed inmates can communicate with different animal. Animals give the prisoners an opportunity to communicate without fear, to show their affection and potentially implicit desire to take care of anyone, without fear that you rejected. While taking care of the weak creature, which is completely dependent on them, trust them, prisoners gain some sort of purpose in life. It is also often awakens in them a sense of dignity, which makes no therapy.

So maybe we should not wait for the special circumstances and is now lovingly take care of our little?

next article:Sharks
previous article:cat have kittens

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